WRA Associates

Specialist areas of our Associates include: 2D river modelling, acid deposition, climate change adaptation, dam supervision, digital mapping, flood analysis, flood alleviation works design, flood risk assessment, GIS, groundwater water resource management, habitat enhancement, hydro-ecology, hydrogeology, hydrology, hydrometric data management, hydro-power, irrigation, land use and drainage, mine water management, non-point source pollution modelling, nutrient dynamics, renewable energy, reservoir spillway analysis and design, sediment transport, surface water quality, water resources, water supply and wetlands.
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    • Dr. Sean Avery
      Water resources development and environmental impact assessment
      Dr Sean Avery is an expert in Water Resources Development and Environmental Impact, with wide experience of hydrology, hydrogeology and water resource development for water supply, irrigation, drainage, sewerage, sanitation projects in East and Central Africa. He has carried out many environmental audits and impact assessments and is a regional specialist in water resources in Africa and the Middle East.
    • Robert Bacciarelli
      Hydrographic Survey and Geotechnics
      Mr Bacciarelli is an expert in aerial and hydrographic survey and is a geotechnical troubleshooter in the field of earthworks, groundwater well sites, access and haul roads in difficult terrain. He manages and directs the Indonesian company Pt Geoindo, which has over 150 professional employees, providing survey services to oil and gas, mining, large industrial and infrastructure development clients in the Far East, Africa and the Middle East (including Sudan, Brunei, Singapore, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia).
    • Dr. Gianbattista Bussi
      Environmental modeller (hydrology, water quality and sediment transport)
      Gianbattista Bussi is an environmental modeller with extensive experience in the fields of hydrology, water quality, soil erosion and sediment transport modelling, as well as in physical risk assessment and climate change impacts. He is an experienced and skill model programmer and developed, and has applied a variety of environmental models, including the hydrological, sediment and water quality model INCA, to several areas around the World. He is specialised in the analysis of climate and land-use change impacts on water availability, coastal and river flood risk, nutrient concentration, soil erosion and sediment transport
    • Daniel Butterfield
      Software and GIS applications for environmental science
      Dan Butterfield has been developing software and GIS applications for environmental science for more than a decade. He is a C++ Object-Oriented Programming Certified Professional, has more than 7 years experience of using GIS tools for modelling, mapping and presentation purposes and is highly competent in all areas of IT, including relational database design and web technologies.
    • Jack Cosby
      Hydrology and biogeochemistry
      Jack Cosby has over 30 years of research experience in the USA, Canada and Europe, focusing on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of low-order streams, small lakes, headwater catchments, and coastal and estuarine systems.
    • Dr. Alejandro Dussaillant
      Water resources and hydrology, applied to sustainable drainage, flood hazards, and water supply
      Alejandro Dussaillant has 20+ years experience in water resources and hydrology, applied to sustainable drainage, flood hazards, and water supply, with regional specialisation in South America, USA and Italy. His projects have included hydrological studies through most world climates from the humid tropics to arid zone hydrology, for drainage, flooding, fluvial geomorphology and dam impacts, catchment & river modelling, designing, establishing & operating hydrometric & environmental monitoring networks, and supporting development of professionals in Chile, USA and UK.
    • Rachel Evans
      Water resources management within the UK water industry
      Rachel has 14 years’ experience of water resources management within the UK water industry, including 4 years with Thames Water as a Water Resources Planner, and 5 years with Yorkshire Water as Senior Hydrologist. As a consultant, she has worked for both water companies and water industry regulators, providing technical advice and analysis on a range of water resources topics.
    • Frank Farquharson
      Hydrologist and Water Resources Development
      Extensive experience in hydrology and water resource assessment and development and has worked extensively in the UK, Europe and other parts of the world. Has specialised in flood estimation and on water resource assessment.
    • Prof. Martyn Futter
      Water quality modeller and water policy
      Professor Futter is a water quality modeller with extensive experience in model development and application. He is a key member of the INCA development team and has led or contributed to the development of models for nutrient, mercury and organic pollutant fate and transport. Most recently, he has been part of the development team for INCA-Tox, a generic, catchment-scale model for simulating the fate and transport of legacy and emerging organic pollutants. He is skilled in software development and environmental information management and has developed several tools for model calibration and sensitivity analysis. Martyn is an expert on European water policy including the Water Framework (WFD) and Floods Directives (FD). He has specialist regional expertise in Fennoscandia, the Baltic States, the UK and Canada and sectoral expertise in forestry, drinking water supply, acidification and diffuse pollution.
    • Dr. Robin Hall
      Hydrologist with extensive experimental design, measurement and modelling experience
      Dr. Robin Hall has 27 years experience as a hydrologist and was formerly employed for 23 years at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Wallingford, (formerly Institute of Hydrology). He has extensive experience in experimental design, measurement and modelling, in both research projects and applied work, covering a wide range of hydrological topics including: evaporation (from vegetation, soil and water bodies); soil water; groundwater; stream flow and surface water runoff, and catchment water balances.
    • Richard Hines
      Chartered geologist and hydrologist with extensive experience in the fields of applied science, engineering, and academia
      Richard Hines has a wide spectrum of experience from flood risk management along urban rivers to the hydraulic design of wastewater treatment works, reservoir hydrological and hydraulic analysis, aquifer protection in hydrocarbon fields, drainage network modelling, SuDS design, and related hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphology assessments. His professional career includes roles in multinational energy companies, global civil and environmental consultancies, and the UK’s largest publicly listed water company.
    • Dr. Jamie Ledingham
      Chartered scientist experienced in hydrological and water resources systems modelling.
      Jamie’s principle expertise lies in complex hydrological and water resources systems modelling, the optimisation of reservoir systems to meet multiple objectives, hydropower and flood hydrology. He is proficient in a number of programming languages for data analysis and modelling including AWK, SQL, Python, VBA and R as well as GIS software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.
    • Dr. Nick Mandeville
      Hydrological services and hydrometeorological analysis
      Dr. Mandeville specialises in strengthening the operation of hydrological services for overseas governments, from basic data collection through hydrometeorological analysis to management of the water resource. Has also undertaken a substantial number of regional hydrological studies.
    • Ronald Manley
      Engineer hydrologist, author of HYSIM, wetland hydrology and transboundary water resources
      Civil Engineer with specialisation in computer applications for hydrology and water resources. His experience includes transboundary water resources studies, authorship of the HYSIM rainfall/runoff model and the Hydrological Simulation Model for Climate Change HYSIM-CC.
    • Gaye McKay
      Flood Risk Management, catchment management and sustainable drainage
      Gaye McKay is an Environmental Scientist, with 25 years’ experience working for both regulatory authorities and the private sector. She has extensive experience in flood risk management, catchment management and sustainable drainage. She was formerly the co-ordinator of the UK SuDS monitoring project and assisted in the development of several SEPA guidance documents on SUDS.
    • Rowan McKittrick
      Chartered geologist and hydrogeologist specialising in mine water management
      Rowan McKittrick is a chartered geologist and hydrogeologist with over 30 years international project experience.  Rowan has supported clients through technical leadership and management of numerous consultancy projects from scoping to bankable feasibility level engineering, during mine operations, closure and rehabilitation.
    • Dr Cordelia Rampley
      Microbiology, Nanoparticle and Biosensor Consultant
      Cordelia has over 8 years’ experience in nanotechnology and applied biosensor technology within academia and water industries internationally. She worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Synthetic Biology at the University of Oxford, where she developed a new, minimal bacterial chassis, and demonstrated its use as a functional, non-GMO biosensor.
    • Dr. Patrick Reynolds
      River basin planning and transboundary water management
      Dr Reynolds is an experienced Team Leader for many transboundary water projects liaising regularly with project stakeholders, local development agencies and civil society groups, government agencies, international donors, and local media. Holds a Doctorate in anaerobic digestion of industrial and agricultural wastewater.
    • Julian Smith
      Engineering hydrologist with extensive experience of modelling and analysis
      Julian Smith is a engineering hydrologist with almost 40 years of experience of the water industry in the UK and overseas, including 2D river modelling, flood analysis, flood alleviation works design, reservoir spillway analysis and design, water resources analysis, analysis of steady and unsteady flow in pipe networks and sewerage system modelling. Julian's most recent activity has involved the use of InfoWorks ICM integrated 1D/2D flood modelling for various urban areas in southern England.
    • Dr. Debbie Snook
      Chartered Biologist and Chartered Environmentalist
      Dr. Snook is a Chartered Biologist and Chartered Environmentalist with 20 years experience as an ecologist within research, regional planning, government and voluntary bodies, in temperate, alpine and tropical habitats.
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