Country | Client | Project Title | Expertise |
ANGOLA | Norconsult | Nhangue Hydroelectric Power Project, River Kwanza | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
ANGOLA | NorConsult | Queve Hydropower/hydrology study. | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
ANGOLA | Norconsult | Angola- diverse southern region hydropower studies | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
ANGOLA | Norconsult | Coordination of support to the Angolan National Water Resources Institute. 3yr project | Hydrometric networks and databases |
AZERBAIJAN | BP | Azerbaijan. Review of previous BP flood studies. | Wetlands |
AZERBAIJAN | BP | Azerbaijan. Oil and gas terminal extension: flood studies and channel design | Hydrological and Hydraulic Modelling, GIS Remote sensing, |
AZERBAIJAN | BP [Caspian Sea] Ltd | Sangachal & Serenja Hydrological monitoring : groundwater survey & hydrocarbon contaminant monitoring reports | Groundwater |
AZERBAIJAN | BP [Sh Deniz] | Azerbaijan: Sangachal Ph 2 Further hydrological studies | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS, Hydrological and Hydraulic Modelling |
AZERBAIJAN | BP | Flood estimates to aid final design of SD2 Terminal expansion and support URS Environmental Impact Study | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
AZERBAIJAN | BP | Azerbaijan. Assessment of drainage problems for Sangachal Terminal. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
AZERBAIJAN | BP | Further flood risk and drainage support for ShahDeniz project | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
BANGLADESH | Oxford University | Brahmaputra Basin GIS applications | GIS Remote sensing |
BELGIUM | Tractebel/Namur CC | Hydrological Study of River Houyoux | Hydrological Modelling |
BHUTAN | Norconsult | Mangde Chhu hydroelectric feasibility study, Bhutan. | Hydrological Modelling |
BHUTAN | Norconsult | Updating National Hydro Master Plan including Water Resources Master Plan [Min of Power] | Hydropower |
BOTSWANA | Tractebel | Hydrological Study of the Okovango delta, Botswana | Wetlands |
BRUNEI | Montgomery Watson | Brunei: Temburong Transfer scheme. Completed June 2004. | Water Resource systems modelling |
BRUNEI | MWH | Ulu Tutong dam: review of construction DESIGN flood, Brunei | Dam design / Reservoir Operation |
BULGARIA | Arcadis-Senter, Netherlds | Strengthening of the capacity & enhancement of the national groundwater monitoring system towards implementation of WFD | Groundwater |
CAMBODIA | Study of Mekong delta with Southampton University | Water quality modelling | |
CANADA | Trent Univ, Ontario | Modelling Lake Simcoe catchments to assess nutrient loading & devise management strategies to reduce Lake eutrophication | Water quality modelling |
CHINA | Mott Macdonald | WQ modelling Szechwan region. | Water quality modelling |
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Consorcio Montegrande | Reservoir Operation study for Monte Grande dam, Dominican Republic. | Water Resource systems modelling |
ETHIOPIA | BMT Cordah | Ethiopia, Gibe III hydropower scheme: | Hydropower |
FINLAND | SYKE | SYKE [Finish Environment Institute]: New INCA model for pathogens and viruses. [for use on river supplying Helsinki] | Water quality modelling |
FRANCE | SCI Villa Maryland | Hydrological investigation in assoc with H2EA in Nice to troubleshoot soil waterlogging problems | Groundwater |
GEORGIA | GOGC | Georgia BTC – Oil retention basins. | Dam design / Reservoir Operation |
GHANA | Ghana Govt / Tractebel | Korle Lagoon tidal hydrology Project | Hydrological Modelling |
INDIA | Mott Macdonald | India hydrology project: phase 2 [4yr World Bank] | Hydrometric networks and databases |
INDIA | NIVA | Ganges Basin Flow modelling to examine pesticide problems, using INCA model set up for Ganges River Basin | Hydrological Modelling |
INDIA | Scottish Government | Ganges – flow and water quality, India | Water quality modelling |
INDONESIA | Wallingford Water | South Java as part of a Wallingford Water job. 3 visits, total 6 months. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
INDONESIA | Pt Bintan Inti | Sg Jago Saline intrusion study for Phase 3 Bintan Industrial Estate water supply | Hydraulic modelling |
INDONESIA | Pt Bintan Inti | Bintan Industrial estate groundwater dveelopment | Groundwater |
INDONESIA | Sembcorp Parks | Bintan Industrial Estate Water Supply Phase 3 – Review of Lake Sasah and other options | Droughts and water supply |
INDONESIA | MWH | Bintan Industrial Estate Water Supply, Phase 4. Water Resources Assessment | Water Resource systems modelling |
INDONESIA | Pt REA Kaltim | Review and advice on ground saturation in oil palm plantations in Kalimantan Timur | Hydrological Modelling |
INDONESIA | Pt Bukit Muria Jaya Estate | Design of flood defences for PROTECTION OF Resinda Estate from Rivers Citarum and Cibeet. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
INDONESIA | MWH Bintan resorts | Review of Lagoi Reservoir Scheme – strategic planning proposal. Bintan | Water Resource systems modelling |
INDONESIA | Malakoff-Toyota-Hanson | Batu Raja Coal-fired power station: Ogan River Study | Hydrological Modelling |
INDONESIA | MWH Bintan Resorts | Pulau Bintan: Raising of Lagoi Dam Hydrological study. | Hydrological Modelling |
INDONESIA | Pt Bt Muraya Jaya Estate | Resinda Estate Review of stormwater drainage design, Karawang | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
IRAN | Scott Wilson | Iran Hydrology Training in water resources system modelling | Water Resource systems modelling |
ISRAEL/JORDANLEBANON | EU | Middle East Peace Process. Databanks project extension 2005-08. | Hydrometric networks and databases |
JORDAN | Leverhulme | Water Life & Civilisation: impacts of climate change in Jordan - hydrological modelling. A.Wadi Faynan; b.Jawa | Hydrological Modelling |
KENYA | Worley Parsons, UK | Pipeline scour risk assessment for a pipeline corridor in north eastern Kenya | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
KENYA/UGANDA/TANZANIA | LVBC | Lake Victoria: determination of new Control Rules for lake water use | Hydropower |
LEBANON | EU-Relex | Hydrological study of Wazzani springs and Hasbani/Jordan Rivers to Sea of Galilee | Hydrological Modelling |
LEBANON/ISRAEL/JORDAN | EU | Middle East EU Project : hydrological databanks | Hydrometric networks and databases |
LEBANON/ISRAEL/JORDAN | French Govt | Mission connected with Middle East Peace Process to evaluate tenders & supervision until Jan-2001 | Hydrometric networks and databases |
LEBANON/ISRAEL/JORDAN | EU | Middle East Peace Process: Extension of Project 005, to include water re-use, and rebuilding hydrometric stations/ lab equipment. | Hydrometric networks and databases |
MALAWI | Norplan | Feasibility Study for the Stabilisation of the course of the Songwe River. Malawi/Tanzania international border river. | Hydraulic modelling |
MALAWI | LTS / MCC | Environmental and Natural Resources Management Action Plan for the Upper Shire Basin. | Hydrological Modelling |
MALAYSIA | Kuching Riverfront: Sarawak River ISIS model [AWRC] | Hydraulic modelling | |
MALAYSIA | Sg Darau ISIS Hydraulic modelling, Sabah | Hydraulic modelling | |
MALAYSIA | UNIMAS | Sarawak: Groundwater Development for Green Area Irrigation. | Groundwater |
MALAYSIA | Norconsult | Sarawak, Pelagus HEP pre-feasibility studies | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
MALAYSIA | NorPower Sdn Bhd | Belaga hydropower scheme: hydrological studies including erosion and sedimentation modelling. | Hydrological Modelling, Water quality modelling |
MOZAMBIQUE | NorConsult | Mozambique Energy master plan: hydrology input | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
NEPAL | Norconsult | Tamakoshi hydropower feasibility study | Hydropower, Hydrological Modelling |
NEPAL | GMR Ltd, India | Upper Karnali Project Review Panel. Review the hydrology of existing feasibility study for proposed 900 MW hydropower scheme | Hydropower |
OMAN | Atkins | Khazzan Studies, Oman. Flood risk and scour erosion of pipeline crossings of wadis. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
ON | Oxford University | DO/BOD Model development | Water quality modelling |
PHILIPPINES | Crown Agents | Bicol River Flood Forecasting & Warning Scheme, Philippines | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
PORTUGAL | Z e F Magalhaes | Quinta de Carvalhal hydrogeological study and production borehole design | Groundwater |
ROMANIA | RMGC | Acid Rock Drainage WQ study/ DISPRIN modelling | Water quality modelling |
ROMANIA | Rosia Montana Gold | EIA and water quality study for gold mining operations. Chapra model. | Water quality modelling |
ROMANIA | Rosia Montana Gold | Hydrology Research Special Issue papers: 1. Potential benefits of mine cleanup; 2. Accidental pollution | Water quality modelling |
RUSSIA | Scott Wilson | Volga navigation | Hydrological and Hydaulic Modelling |
SOMALILAND | CONSER | Somaliland. Hydrological Studies for Berbera dams. Funded by Abu Dhabi Fund | Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Groundwater |
SOMALILAND | Abu Dhabi Dev Fund | Hamboweene Dam hydrology & sediment modelling, Somaliland | Hydrological Modelling, Groundwater, Water quality modelling, Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Water Resource systems modelling |
SOUTH AFRICA | Atkins | South Africa, Orange River. Water quality input, | Water quality modelling |
SWEDEN | SMHI | Swedish Modelling System Review | Hydrological Modelling |
TANZANIA | Norconsult | Dar es Salaam: future source for water supply | Droughts and water supply, Water Resource systems modelling |
TURKEY | IUCN | Study of Goksu Delta - Consultancy in Turkey for IUCN completed. | Wetlands |
TURKEY | Solventa | Turkey, water resource and climate change modelling. | Water Resource systems modelling, Climate change |
UAE | CONSER | Safety review of 4 dams in Dubai. UAE Min of Agriculture - amalgamate with 391 | Groundwater, Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UAE | CONSER | UAE. Inspection andn safety certification of six wadi recharge dams in UAE. | Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UAE | CONSER MOEW & PW | Review of leakage of 8 recharge dams in UAE, and reinstatement of Al Dhaid and Al Mualla falaj | Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Groundwater |
UAE | CONSER | Land management in the Sha’am Basin: Flood risk and erosion protection study. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS, Water quality modelling |
UAE | CONSER | NCMS. Rainwater Harvesting schemes in the western Coast | Hydrological Modelling, Groundwater, GIS Remote sensing |
UGANDA | Bujagali Dam - Panel Engineer inspections | Hydropower, Reservoir Operation | |
YEMEN | Abu Dhabi Fund | Conser / Sayhut & Noujad Dam feasibility Studies, Yemen Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation | Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Irrigation |
Country | Client | Project Title | Expertise |
UK | Essex & Suffolk Water | Development of Drought Reliable Output Program (DROP) - WRAPSIM | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Severn Trent Project | Deployable Output assessment - using HYSIM-RESSIM | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Environment Agency | PENSE Retrospective computation of PE throughout the Southern Region of the Environment Agency. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Environment Agency | HYSIM modelling of the Sussex Ouse for the Environment Agency, completed May 98. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | SNIFFER | Surface Water Yield project in Scotland and N.Ireland for SEPA/Water Authorities incl Hysim-Aquator development | Hydrological Modelling, Water Resource systems modelling, Water Resource Assessment |
UK | British Waterways | 16 Reservoirs Inflow Study [Hysim modelling] | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Institute of Hydrology | MicroFSR software development, marketing and support | Water quality modelling |
UK | National Power | National Power WQ modelling. | Water quality modelling |
UK | EA-NorthWest | Evapo-transpiration study | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | EA-Southern | Flood Forecasting modelling Platform | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Severn-Trent plc | Effects of climate change on Severn/Trent using output from main RES-SIM modelling | Hydrological Modelling, Water Resource systems modelling, Reservoir Operation |
UK | EA Southern | W Sussex: Flow Record for the Western Rother | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | EA | Estimation of missing artificial influence data. EA R&D review to lead to national recommendation of best practice. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Southern Water | Bewl-Darwell Model Audit and Re-audit | Water Resource systems modelling, Reservoir Operation |
UK | South East Water | E Sussex: Wallers Haven Hydrological Study | Hydrological Modelling, Groundwater |
UK | British Waterways | UK: Priority Reservoirs Inflow Study [BW11Res] | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Mott Macdonald | Loch Lomond-Katrine Conjunctive Use Modelling | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | EA Severn-Trent | Severn-Trent River regulation modelling using Aquator-Hysim | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Reading Univ/ EA | Multi-reach version of phosphorous model INCA software dev | Water quality modelling |
UK | Nigel Chapman Assoc | Essex: Bocking Mill Flood Appraisal, R Pant, Braintree. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Southern Water | Medway-Rother-Brede: Hysim modelling to evaluate accuracy of Imperial College's Hycom model and update flow record. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | AEATech-EA | UK critical load: Assessment of atmospheric pollution loading on UK lakes. | Water quality modelling |
UK | Stone&Webster [NRG] | Killingholme Power Station, combined fluvial and storm surge flood appraisal. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Bristol Water | HYSIM modelling of Mendip catchments feeding Chew Valley Lake, Blagdon Lake, Cheddar & Winford Reservoirs. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | British Waterways | CIS03: Catchment inflow studies using HYSIM. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | South East Water | AMP4 pilot catchment studies - scoping studies to define TOR & costs for Crowhurst & Pembury Springs | Groundwater, Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Developer | Essex. Wix Flood study | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Harleyford Golf Club | Harleyford Golf Club advice on expansion of irrigation water supply. | Groundwater, Irrigation |
UK | TUG / Heritage Hotels | Thames Valley Flood Risk Action Group set up after 2003 Thames valley flooding. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | South East Water | Sussex: Cockhaise Groundwater Study Phase 1, including Pumping tests and analysis. | Groundwater |
UK | Dynamco (SEW Eng) | Hampshire: Lasham chalk wellfield Deployable Output Assessment. | Groundwater |
UK | Andrew Pipe | Eastern England: Study of flooding of 2 properties at Fambridge. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | South East Water | Pembury Springs Investigation Phase 1 | Groundwater |
UK | K Forsyth | Bourne End: Flood risk assessment for The Ridings | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | E.Heath | Bourne End: Development related flood risk assessment | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | S.Miller | Marlow: Flood risk assessment for Riverways. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | EA | INCA review . | Water quality modelling |
UK | South East Water | HYSIM model development for drought forward planning | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Entec | Welsh Water Catchment Modelling and monthly PET estimation | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | British Waterways | RRM05 Rainfall Runoff Modelling: Crinan Canal, Rochdale & Huddersfield Narrow Canals | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | EA Southern | PENSE Update for potential evapotranspiration calculation in SE England | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Atkins | Bewl Water Drought Order Review. | Droughts and water supply |
UK | DEFRA | Kennet River, Berkshire. Review of impact of Water Framework Directive | Water quality modelling |
UK | Dep Agric, Reading Univ | INCA modelling for River Great Ouse at Bedfordshire | Water quality modelling |
UK | Atkins | River Anker and Tame WQ modelling – to investigate P pollution levels from Severn-Trent sewage works | Water quality modelling |
UK | Palm Paper | Paper Mill, Kings Lynn. Hydrological, hydraulic and water quality study. | Hydrological and Hydraulic Modelling, Water quality modelling |
UK | Nutfield Marsh Residents | Nutfield Marsh, Redhill. Hydrological appraisal of sand extraction for contesting County Minerals Plan | Groundwater |
UK | Ingleton Wood | Flood Risk Assessment, Wix, Essex. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Thames Water | Application of INCA-P to Kennet and Lambourn. Assessment of sewage phosphorus on ecology for AMP4. | Water quality modelling |
UK | Atkins/DEFRA | Review of mercury in UK rivers. Support Atkins in project for DEFRA. | Water quality modelling |
UK | EA | Review of EA Research Project on GIS Modelling. | GIS Remote sensing |
UK | Michael Morgan | Flood risk insurance study, Riversdale House, Bourne End. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Bristol Water | Historical inflows in Bristol Water Reservoirs | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Bruce Campbell | Woolstone Mill: Brief hydrological and water engineering survey | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Atkins | Review of water quality characteristics of Abberton Reservoir, Essex | Water quality modelling |
UK | Atkins | Extension of INCA-P modelling for Rivers Tame and Anker | Water quality modelling |
UK | Jacobs (SE Water) | Supplementary Sussex Ouse HYSIM modelling | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | A. Ridgley | Longwick Mill Flood Risk Insurance Study [Bucks] | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | K MacCaulay | Coldwell Brook [Ascott-under-Wychwood] | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | W S Atkins | Environmental Risk Management Study for lower Zambezi | Wetlands |
UK | Bath Univ. | INCA chalk model of River Lambourn | Water quality modelling |
UK | EA | Impact of climate change on water quality in the UK. | Water quality modelling, Climate change |
UK | EA | Catchment sensitive farming policy | Water quality modelling |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn water strategy phase 1: Water supplies for Bedford Estate enterprises | Water Resource systems modelling, Droughts and water supply |
UK | World Wildlife Fund | Review of River Thames vulnerability | Water quality modelling |
UK | World Wildlife Fund | Scoping study for chalk stream demonstration sites | Wetlands |
UK | Atkins / UKWIR | Phosphorus life cycle management, land to river flux transfers with Dan Butterfield and AJW - draft only | Water quality modelling |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn water strategy phase 2 - Pinfold groundwater and Woburn Lake water supplies. | Hydrological Modelling, Groundwater |
UK | Douglas Reay | Earith Flood Risk Insurance Study, Norfolk | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | David Ashwanden | Butts Legh: Cookham Flood Risk Assessment | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Riversdale residents | Review Cookham Remedial Works EA | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Alan Olding | Flood risk assessment modelling for Chelworth Lodge | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Mr & Mrs Paul Bailey | Post-flood analysis for School House, Marston St Lawrence | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Macaulay Institute | Mercury modelling using INCA-C | Water quality modelling |
UK | Environment Agency | River Wensum model of N & P & impact of catchment sensitive farming programme | Water quality modelling |
UK | Private | Flood risk assessment, Kennel Cottage, Cornbury Park | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Waterfield & White | Nitrate Vulnerable Zone NVZ appeals for Oxfordshire & Bucks Farms | Groundwater |
UK | Moundsmere Estates | Nitrate Vulnerable Zone NVZ appeal for Merrimoles Farm/Bix dairy. | Groundwater |
UK | English Heritage | Silbury hill, paleohydrology | Groundwater |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn Phase 2-a. Woburn Golf Club groundwater development | Groundwater |
UK | Treloar & Associates | Witney, Madley Brook Community Hall FRA | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | D Ashwanden | Butts Legh FRA addendum work. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Alan Olding | Flood study for proposed Travellers plots in Oxford Vale | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Woburn Estates | Phase 3 – Woburn Safari Park, water supply. | Water Resource systems modelling, Water quality modelling |
UK | EA, Natural England | Modelling agricultural mitigation studies on the River Lugg [Catchment sensitive farmiing] | Water quality modelling |
UK | Siemens Energy | Land drainage system design for onshore facilities of Mostyn wind farm, North Wales | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn Phase 3 – Irrigation water supply for Woburn golf club, involving design/construction of new boreholes | Groundwater |
UK | Mr & Mrs Miles | North Moreton, Flood Risk Assessment | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Atkins/Scott-Wilson | UKWIR project on Phosphate control Measures in Catchments | Water quality modelling |
UK | John Sanders | Barlaston Groundwater study – Ph 1 preliminary evaluation | Groundwater |
UK | Siemens Energy | Specification of Land Drainage and Resurfacing Scheme for Walney Wind Farm Phase 1 –Mostyn, N Wales | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Waltham St Lawrence | Expert witness at flood enquiry: Waltham St Lawrence Parish Council | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn Golf Club Irrigation Supply - Phase 4 Options appraisal. | Water Resource systems modelling, Irrigation |
UK | EU | REFRESH – Water quality modelling of the Thames | Water quality modelling |
UK | Atkins | UKWIR – Climate change and water quality from the water industry perspective | Water quality modelling, Climate change |
UK | bedford Estates | Design of Horsemoor Reservoir for Woburn Golf Club: option NIR3 | Dam design / Reservoir Operation, Irrigation |
UK | A Potts | Heddon Camp Industrial estate. Phase 1 Risk Assessment. Now undertaking Phase 2. | Groundwater |
UK | Atkins | Thames Water AMP5 Investigation – Kennet River and Canal | Water quality modelling |
UK | EA | Catchment Sensitive Farming –Nutrient reduction assessment | Water quality modelling |
UK | M Betts | Flood Risk Advice , Marlow | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Jacobs | Scottish Water / Hydrology, water resource modelling in Scotland | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Bedford Estates | NIR3 Reservoir scheme – planning and final design studies | Dam design / Reservoir Operation |
UK | AECOM / Scottish Water | Aquator-Hysim modelling for Bonar Bridge WRZ. Scottish Water | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Mr Long | Flood Risk Assessment – Park Hills. To be added to list of completed flood projects. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | EA | Use of INCA-N and INCA-P and library of data and model applications. | Water quality modelling |
UK | Jacobs | Update of hydrological models of Sussex Ouse and Cuckmere Rivers. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Indian property | Flood risk assessment for small development in Eton Wick | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | AECOM | Inverness/Nain AQUATOR-GA optimisation | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Bedford Estates | Horsemoor Reservoir design and construction, Woburn. | Dam design / Reservoir Operation |
UK | AMEC | Updating PET estimation for Wales. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | EA | Review of Climate Change on Rivers and Lakes in UK: Climate Card showing impact on freshwater, and how to react | Water quality modelling, Climate change |
UK | BGS-NERC | R Eden INCA study [investigative 2yr research project] BGS running GW model, INCA driving surface chemistry input | Water quality modelling |
UK | EA | Water quality spreadsheet model incorporated into GIS application for UK studies | Water quality modelling |
UK | Emil Zalud | Great Malvern, Hillstone Court..Hydrological Appraisal of Groundwater Spring and Outline of Remedial Measures. | Groundwater |
UK | Soho House | Soho Farmhouse: hydrological studies to support the design of water-based amenities at Tracey Farm Great Tew Estate. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Mrs Carole-Anne Michels | Expert witness report and court appearance for local flooding issue | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Soho House | Soho Farmhouse potable groundwater supply. outline design report | Groundwater |
UK | S McCarthy | Eynsford, River Darent: design and implementation of groundwater flood mitigation measures. | Groundwater |
UK | SOHO | Soho Farmhouse shallow groundwater investigation, including pump testing and analysis | Groundwater |
UK | Bedford Estates | Woburn Abbey Triathlon 2014. Water quality monitoring. | Water quality modelling |
UK | Chris Hand | Hambledon Groundwater flooding, Hants. Basement problem and small stream culvert under road. | Groundwater |
UK | Sacha Staveley | Cresswell House Flood Risk assessment, Riversdale, Bourne End | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | DEFRA | Review of FarmScoper model | Water quality modelling |
UK | Alan Olding | flood risk modelling for a land owner in Wiltshire – case against Wiltshire County Council. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Sparrowhawk | FRA for barn extension on the River Windrush. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Waterside Hotel, Manchester | Waterside Hotel Hydrology report for insurance purposes | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Harry Clark | Mill House FRA, Sherborne St Johns. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Howard Dyer | Design of flood mitigation measures for Nuttley Manor Farm, Hampshire. Surface hydrology in chalk area. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | TMAG | Tanners Meadow Action Group. Attendance at public enquiry, and review of reports for Persimmons housing development | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | DEFRA | North Wales. Modelling water quality and pathogens in River Conway. | Water quality modelling |
UK | Claire Hart [owner] | Flooding dispute at Hillside House on Somerset Levels. Legal reports for CPR compliance and common ground. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Carol Ann Michels | Design of new septic tank at Alderbury for existing flood studies client | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Rennaissance Architects | Brook Green Flood and Drainage Risk study, Warminster, related to development and culverting of Canimore stream | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Tim Joslin | Sutton Courtenay 1 review of FRA and groundwater for planning application [row of 100 homes in second field after Thames bridge] | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS, Groundwater |
UK | Robin Draper | Sutton Courtenay 2 review of FRA for planning application. [new scheme for 200 homes, with concern about methane] | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Thames Water | Modelling of metaldehyde and DOC organic carbon in Severn and Thames for proposed inter-basin transfer | Water quality modelling |
UK | South East Water | SEW PR2019 Water Res Water Resources Management Plan. Hysim update and recalibration modelling. | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Thames Water | Review of water quality aspects of the Severn-Thames transfer report | Water quality modelling |
UK | SODC | Flood risk assessment posed by potential hydropower scheme at Benson weir. | Hydropower, Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | GTA Civils | Thatcham, Bershire. Streamflow monitoring and low flow analysis for two sites on River Kennet tributary | Hydrometric networks and databases, Droughts and water supply |
UK | Mr and Mrs Sparrowhawk | Northmoor FRA - Thames valley | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Quentin Jackson-Stops | Northants, Lillingstone Lovell. Briary Lodge private WS. Hydrogeological appraisal. | Groundwater |
UK | Tyack Architects | Blockley, The Limes. Private drainage system. With RLH. | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Affinity Water | Strategic water resources review for PR19 planning process | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Tyack Architects | Vinters House FRA and SUDS, Moreton-in-the-Marsh | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | MM / HR Wallingford | HYSIM-Multi development of batch processing for climate change modelling | Hydrological Modelling, Climate change, Groundwater |
UK | Matthew Evans | Spring Cottage hydrogeological appraisal | Hydrogeology, groundwater |
UK | SESwater - AECOM | WRMP2019 Aquator and DO modelling for water resources planning support | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Tyack Architects | Vintners House FRA and SUDS, Moreton-in-Marsh [RLH] | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Sue Millington | Flood risk survey of ground floor flat, Newbury | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Your lawyers | Investigation of bank collapse and property flooding, River Glen, Lincolnshire | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | EA Wales | Update of PET estimates for HYSIM modelling | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Mott MacDonald | Special version of HYSIM for climate change | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | Hydraulics Research | Special version of HYSIM for climate change | Hydrological Modelling |
UK | AECOM / SES Water | Bough Beech Reservoir drought planning: Aquator forward simulation – Technical note produced | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Anglian Water | WRMP2019 Peer review of Aquator models [will probably be extended to cover larger scope of work] | Water Resource systems modelling |
UK | Matthew Evans | Spring Cottage hydrogeological appraisal, investigation and design of groundwater control measures at Caudle Green, Cotswolds | Groundwater |
UK | Dr C Morton | The Limes Residential development FRA, Blockley [Cotswolds], thru’ Tyack architects with Emma Brown | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
UK | Nick Abell | Vintners House development, Moreton-in-Marsh, FRA and SUDS | Floods and Land drainage / SUDS |
Off the Shelf and Bespoke Software