Water Resource Associates produces a wide range of hydrological software. For example, HYSIM is a rainfall/runoff model which the Environment Agency has purchased for all of its regional offices. WRA have recently constructed a model linking rainfall/runoff has been linked to climate change scenarios, the first model of its kind in the world: HYSIM-CC (Hydrological Simulation model for Climate Change).
The need to assess the impacts of climate change in a range of development projects is becoming more and more a donor specified requirement. Whilst in many circumstances the projections of temperature and precipitation disseminated by the IPCC will in themselves be enough, in other areas, such as water resources and agriculture, additional analysis and modelling is needed. This is not just a question of assessing the overall change in water stress. The way in which the temperatures and precipitation are distributed over the year will also be important. Higher temperatures in the growing season might not be balanced by extra precipitation at other times. Changes in the seasonal pattern of snowfall and snowmelt may mean that spring flushes, important for wetlands and fish spawning, no longer occur.

The aim of this site is to provide the tools to enable hydrologists, water resources planners, irrigation engineers and agronomists to assess rapidly and accurately the local impact of climate change on water stress anywhere in the world. The tools we provide are built on our worldwide experience of working with stakeholders in projects related to water resources and the environment.

The tools have been developed and tested in real-life situations. If you require further information or wish to consult us on climate change impact assessment please contact us via our ‘contact’ page. Further information on climate change can be found at our related climate change website: www.climatedata.info

We provide a model, termed HYSIM-CC, to quantify the effects of climate change. With the model you can:

  • Work with IPCC SRES climate scenarios
  • Import climate and other data
  • Analyse changes to river flow, runoff, soil moisture, groundwater recharge, snow melt, frost days and irrigation demand
  • Simulate the impacts anywhere in the world
  • Output the results in a range of graphic formats or as csv files
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