WRA Partners

The experience of our Partners covers hydrometric network design, instrumentation, data capture and processing, flood estimation and forecasting, low flow and drought studies, hydropower operation, modelling of complex conjunctive use water resource system, arid zone hydrology and wetland hydrology. WRA has extensive experience in water quality studies and modelling. A number of our Partners are experienced project managers.

We also specialise in producing high quality software for the water industry, either as bespoke applications or as products for general use. Software products include a catchment model, conjunctive use water resource simulation models, a river water quality model, a hydrological simulation model for climate change, chart digitising software and liming control software for acid rivers and lakes.
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    • Peter Baur
      Hydrologist with a strong background in international development
      Peter Baur is a hydrologist with a strong background in international development with project experience in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. His technical skills cover diverse areas of hydrology, hydrogeology and water quality, and he has experience of river basin studies, water resources assessments, water supply studies, mine and oil pipeline ESIAs, engineering feasibility studies and due diligence assessments.
    • Marcus Francis
      Water resources engineer and hydrologist
      Marcus Francis has extensive experience in hydrology, hydraulics, water resources management, applied research and consulting engineering covering a wide range of water resources and engineering projects in the UK and overseas. His water resources assessment and planning experience covers surface water and reservoirs, groundwater including aquifer storage and recovery, water transfer schemes, conjunctive use, desalination, effluent reuse and demand management.
    • Paul Holmes
      Hydrologist/hydrogeologist with wide experience of hydraulics and water resource studies
      Experience in water resource development for city and industrial supply, irrigation and flood control, with regional specialisation in SE Asia and the Portuguese communities. His participation in national and international projects has ranged from that of specialist to project manager and team leader.
    • Ben Piper
      Chartered Civil Engineer & Hydrologist
      Ben Piper is water resources planning expert with over 45 years’ experience in global hydrology. At Atkins he was Technical Director for water resources with extensive experience in catchment hydrology, water resource planning, hydrological and water quality modelling, and modelling of water resource systems.
    • Dr. Harvey J E Rodda
      Hydrological modelling and GIS
      Hydrologist with over 20 years postgraduate experience in consultancy, specialising in hydrological models and the use of GIS. He has worked on a range of modelling studies including water quality, sediment transport, flooding, extreme rainfall and has extensive GIS experience in particular using Arc GIS and cell based modelling with the Spatial Analyst extension. He has also specialised in linking hydrological models with GIS.
    • Professor Paul Whitehead
      River and reservoir water quality modelling, catchment hydrochemistry, acidification
      Prof. Paul Whitehead over 35 years experience of water quality and pollution issues including the development of dynamic, stochastic and planning models. Applications include simulation of catchments, rivers and reservoirs with environmental impact assessment of effluent discharges, land use change, acid deposition and non-point source pollution.
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