Dr. Robin Hall

robin-hall, wra
Hydrologist with extensive experience in experimental design, measurement and modelling, in both research projects and applied work, covering a wide range of hydrological topics including: evaporation; soil water; groundwater; stream flow and surface water runoff, and catchment water balances.
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Full Name
Dr. Robin Leslie Hall
Year of Birth
Range of Experience
Dr. Robin Hall has 27 years experience as a hydrologist and was formerly employed for 23 years at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Wallingford, (formerly Institute of Hydrology). He has extensive experience in experimental design, measurement and modelling, in both research projects and applied work, covering a wide range of hydrological topics including: evaporation (from vegetation, soil and water bodies); soil water; groundwater; stream flow and surface water runoff, and catchment water balances.

Among the most recent research projects that he has led are projects on the hydrological impacts of quarries and mitigation measures, the hydrological impacts of energy crop production in the UK, and modelling water use and growth of mixed vegetation.

Recent applied work has included: low flow analysis and risk analysis; flood risk assessments; hydrological impact assessments; sizing water management systems e.g. drainage systems, attenuation ponds, settlement lagoons and soakaways; groundwater modelling. He has long experience in mathematical modelling and the use of various scientific programming languages and tools including: FORTRAN, SAS (statistical software), Mathcad, ARC GIS, Phoenics (Computational Fluid Dynamics software) and MODFLOW within the Groundwater Vistas environment. He is the author or joint author of more than 50 scientific papers, reports and book chapters and a former member of the editorial board of international scientific journal Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Career Summary
  • 2003-Present: Senior Hydrologist, GWP consultants [mining and geotechnics]
  • 1979-2003: Principal Environmental Physicist, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford
  • 1976-1979: Principal Environmental Physicist, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford
  • 1979: PhD Solid State Physics, University of Birmingham
  • 1972: BSc Physics, University of Birmingham
Professional Affiliation
  • Chartered Physicist
  • Member of the Institute of Physics
Key Assignments
  • Modeling of sediment transport using SLEMSA in the Upper Shire catchment, Malawi
  • Low flow analysis of stream and spring flows as part of risk analysis for over exploitation of thermal springs in Derbyshire.
  • Producing hydrological impacts statement and flood risk assessment for an extension of an existing sand quarry in Hampshire.
  • Surface Water Risk Assessment of hazardous waste landfill site.
  • Hydro-geological modelling of impact of chromium contamination from cement works in Poland.
  • Design of ponds for wildlife habitats in restored quarry.
  • Principal Investigator for research project: Practical hydrological assessments in and around aggregate quarries.
  • Principal Investigator for 3-year, k£256 research project Hydrological impacts of energy crop production in the UK for the DTI.
  • Modelling the hydrological effects regenerating native Caledonian pine forest.
Country Experience
UK, India, Malawi, Sri Lanka [also involved in projects in Brazil, Indonesia, Finland]
English, French
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