Dr. Jamie Ledingham

Jamie Ledingham, hydrology and water resources
Jamie’s principle expertise lies in complex hydrological and water resources systems modelling, the optimisation of reservoir systems to meet multiple objectives, hydropower and flood hydrology. He is proficient in a number of programming languages for data analysis and modelling including AWK, SQL, Python, VBA and R as well as GIS software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.
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Full Name
Jamie Andrew Ledingham
Year of Birth
Hydrology and Water Resources
Range of Experience
Jamie Ledingham has over 15 years’ experience in undertaking research and consultancy commissions on a wide variety of hydrological problems. His primary interests and experience include hydrological and water resources systems modelling, flood frequency estimation and the optimisation of reservoir systems to meet multiple objectives.

Jamie has led teams developing a number of complex water resource systems models; he led the development of Anglian Water’s new Aquator model build for their 2019 Water Resources Management Plan submission and more recently has overseen the build of several models for managing conjunctive hydropower and water resources systems in Scotland. In his current role Jamie also provides a range of advice on flood risk, water quality and general environmental impact assessments for forestry and renewable energy schemes.

He has experience of undertaking international work as an analyst on World Bank projects such as a study carried out for the world bank’s Water Global Practice to develop evidence -based case studies on best practice in climate resilience for urban water utilities. He also has experience of undertaking data-based analysis of both flood and drought conditions for hydropower and water resources developments in Serbia and Africa.

His skills include catchment modelling using a variety of models and software. He is proficient in a number of programming languages for data analysis and modelling including AWK, SQL, Python, VBA and R as well as GIS software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.

Jamie is the Director of Highland Hydrology
Career Summary
  • 2024 – WRA Associate.
  • SUMMARY 2022 – Owner and sole proprietor, Highland Hydrology.
  • 2016-22 Senior Hydrologist, Mott MacDonald, UK
  • 2011-16 Hydrologist, Mott MacDonald, UK
  • 2007-11 Doctoral student and researcher, Newcastle University, UK
  • 2007-10 Knoydart Foundation, hydrological data management and hydropower operation.
  • BSc (Hons.) Geography, Aberdeen University, 2006
  • MSc Sustainable Water Management, Newcastle University, 2007
  • PhD ‘The Estimation of Flood Frequency Curves from Rainfall Frequency’, Newcastle University, 2011
Professional Affiliation
  • Chartered Scientist (C.Sci)
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management
  • Member of the British Hydrological Society
Key Assignments
  • Hydrological support to hydropower development, various locations, Scotland [Proterra Energy Ltd]
  • Water resource systems model development [Aquator] support for drought forecasting, UK [Mott MacDonald]
  • Forest and wetland hydrological advice on various sites, Scotland [Botanaeco Consulting]
  • Provision of hydrological support to developers of two different kinetic hydropower turbines, Scotland [Kinetic Hydro and Kelp Systems]
  • Development of a systems model for hydropower operations support and feasibility studies, Scotland [Locogen]
  • Hysim-Aquator support for water resource systems modelling, UK, [Hydro-Logic Ltd]
  • Development of a water resources systems model [Aquator] for WRMP19, South-east England [Anglian Water]
  • Dam-break flood inundation modelling, Scotland [SEPA]
  • Dam flood risk assessments to complement statutory inspections, various sites, various operators, UK
  • Good practice in urban water utility climate resilience, Global study, [World Bank]
  • Dispute resolution with regards to the impact of forest felling on a private water supply, Isle of Arran [Private client]
Country Experience
UK, Serbia
Fluent in English. Basic knowledge of French.
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