Water Resource Assessment

Assessment of the scale and variability of water resources is basic to many development projects and environmental studies. The scope of possible inputs varies from national and regional studies to site specific audit, and over a range of time scales. In some developing countries, scarcity of reliable data presents serious problems of resource assessment, which requires careful consideration of the uncertainties inherent in the estimates.
Water Resource Associates have experience of many of the physical and climatic regions of the world, and of working within many different frameworks from primary resources estimation to identifying the impact of land-use and agricultural change on the available water resource.
Many procedures including rainfall analysis, rainfall-runoff modelling and direct measures of river flow variation are relevant. Sometimes it is necessary to naturalise flow sequences to allow for developments that have taken place during the historical period for which records are available.
WRA has the relevant experience and software to handle all the issues involved in water resource assessment, and to help assess the feasibility of projects proposed for development of the water resource.
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WRA Experience

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  • Under contract to Severn-Trent Water plc we carried an analysis of their deployable yield. This was a statutory requirement. Severn-Trent Water is one of the largest water undertakings in the UK with over 8 million consumers.
  • Review of water resources of the River Rother (Sussex). This required identification of all surface and groundwater issues, review of data, data infilling through regression, low flow frequency studies and operational recommendations.
SNIFFER (Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research)
WRA, together with Oxford Scientific Software, has in-house experience of software development in two key areas – catchment rainfall-runoff models and water resource system simulation. The HYSIM model would need some adaptation to accommodate recent scientific thinking and the RESSIM model applied in England would be developed further, with powerful new facilities enabling users to mould specific implementations, and renamed AQUATOR. These modification are in course of being completed.
Review of proposals for development of the resources of the Okavango delta. An environmentally more acceptable alternative was proposed for which the Client has commissioned a detailed design.
Investigation of the water resource base for irrigation and rural infrastructure development in Takeo and Kompong Speu provinces.
valuation of the water resource available to the North Hainan Water Resources Development Project. This included the naturalisation of flow series and an investigation of the potential for inter-basin transfers through system simulation modelling.
Strengthening the capability of the Institute for Water Studies in Madras in resource assessment, systems analysis and river basin modelling.
Estimating the water resource available in a number of rivers in northern Malawi to support development of run of river hydropower projects. This involved an assessment of the natural storage of the Nyika Plateau, which strongly influenced the dry-season flows.
Technical support for countrywide water resource assessment and modelling to support water sector master planning.

In addition our Associates have also worked in:

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Assessment of the water resources of the Shire Highlands and an appraisal of the reliability of flows in the Shire river, for Blantyre water supply.
Primary water resource survey of northern Oman comprising the analysis of rainfall and flood flows and the estimation of long term runoff and rates of aquifer recharge.
Review of all water resources surveys to define the scope for irrigation development including conservation projects and the use of spate flows in the wadi channels.
Water resources and flood studies for alternative water supply reservoirs on the Ogun and Ofiki rivers in Oyo state, Nigeria.
Study of the impact of deforestation, changes in cropping pattern, and irrigation and hydropower development in NE Thailand on the hydrology of the Mekong.
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