Hydrological Data Processing

Water Resource Associates has considerable experience in hydrological data processing both in the UK and overseas. Our expertise in this field includes technical advice and assistance to hydrometric departments, hydrometry, training, in-house processing of hydrological data and the supply of standard or the development of bespoke computer software. WRA has experience in data acquisition through electronic loggers, telemetry, autographic charts and field observers, and we have digitising facilities for handling hydrometric charts and maps.
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rating-curve, WRA
In some countries, data are being ‘lost’ because the data handling procedures do not keep pace with the rapid developments in computing facilities and software. Investment in data gathering can be wasted, and the reliability of hydrological analysis is weakened, when valuable historical data cannot be retrieved.

Our world-wide experience of data handling and retrieval makes us ideally suited to undertake any project involving new or updated hydrological data processing facilities. We have the knowledge to recommend hydrometric equipment, computer hardware and software and to carry out installation and training.

WRA Experience

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Middle East
As part of the Middle-East Peace Process, the European Union and other donors have initiated a series of activities to enhance and/or create water data banks in the region. WRA has been appointed to set up and monitor a ECU 2 million (£1.6 million) project funded by the European Commission. The company’s tasks include writing the Terms of Reference, obtaining the agreement of core parties to the ToR and supervising project execution.
  • Further development of the HYDATA hydrological database and analysis system for the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford. Enhancements include additional analysis facilities in the DOS version, and the design and initial development of a Microsoft Windows® version.
  • Bespoke software for several regions of the NRA.
  • Produced the draft British Standard on Hydrometric Data Management.
  • Two of our principals provided a comprehensive (2 volume) review of the NRA’s Hydrometric Data Processing Systems.
  • A hydrometric audit for BNFL, Sellafield in which field and office procedures for data collection and processing were reviewed and improvements recommended.
  • Hydrometric data in the Athi, Tsavo, Sabaki and coastal river systems were processed for the 2nd Mombasa bulk water supply project. Rating equations were derived for over 100 stations and water levels were converted to flows. An extensive data validation programme was carried out including processing and validation of rainfall data from a 114 daily gauges.
  • Assistance for the HYDATA training course held at the Kenya Meteorological Department.
Installation and training on the use a standard hydrological data processing and analysis package for the Arusha Region Water Master Plan.
Hydrometric network design in the coastal plain of Sarawak. Most of the rivers are tidally affected and gauging by newly-developed acoustic Doppler instruments was proposed.

In addition the Associates have also worked in:

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A comprehensive expansion of the hydrometric network was proposed to meet the foreseeable need for data to support future scheme analyses and regional flood studies. Recommendations for staffing and equipping the data processing centre were also made.
Installation and training on the use a standard hydrological data processing and analysis package in Tegucigalpa.
Installation and training on the use of a standard hydrological data processing and analysis package for the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
Development of a hydrological database and analysis system for the Ministry of Agriculture. Staff training and provision of an interface to electronic logging equipment.
Installation and training on the use a standard hydrological data processing and analysis package in Suva.
Installation and training on the use a standard hydrological data processing and analysis package for the Mekong Secretariat as a prelude to a low flow study. Rating equations were reviewed on all Lower Mekong stations and major tributaries.
Solomon Islands
Installation of a recording raingauge network on Guadalcanal and assistance with data processing using the microTIDEDA database.
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